A cool board game from Soda Pop Miniatures that introduce adorable chibi minis.
Here's the first mini I painted, a Paladin.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Legio Malaysia Birthday Bash (Golden Kris 2012 & Kindred III)
I love miniature hobby events and this is the most fun and happening I have ever been.
A great hobby event, I met lots of fun players at the hobby tournament. Chris and Daniel Ong were the whackies players I have game with. I manage to grab two sexy awards.
The Blood & Sweat award
For all the blood and sweat my small Nob Biker mob has crushed, smashed and chop their way through Nekochans(Necrons), Tyranids, and a Daemon Prince!
The Best Sportsmanship award.
First of all I would like to thank everyone that voted for me and my partner Boon Kin. I guess I am myself when I play my Orks, all crazy lunatic foot stomping and chest thumping attitude. Again thanks again folks!
Golden Kris 2012
To me the cream of the crop of the event. I was working exceptionally hard this year. I wanted to enter something that stand out, so I pondered to myself. Browsing through one of the French Golden Daemon entries gave me an idea. An Eldar Autarch all ice blue and beautifully and masterfully painted by the French artist inspired me. So I decided to give a shot painting my own Ice Autarch and enter it on Golden Kris 2012.
I NEARLY WANTED TO SCREAM LIKE A GIRL when Jeff announced my name for the Golden Kris Champion. But suffice to say my heart pounded like a jackhammer.
The Ice Autarch
Big thanks to the organizers, Jeff, Azrmi(sorry liao no time to log into Diablo III), Khariul, Chang, for all their hardwork setting up the tables cooking the food and being great buddies at the event.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
E.F.G.F M61A5 Main Battle Tank (Mobile Suit Gundam)
It is done! And boy this is my 2nd biggest tank. The first being the baneblade. Also the first try at a complete airbrush paintjob. (back then I was using Tamiya spray cans)
Weathering was done using Forgeworld powders. This was a big learning experience in airbrushing and controlling the amount of weathering on the tank.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Raging Heroes - Blood Vestals (NSFW)
Always dreamt of painting a unit of scantily clad elven girls. My dream came true.
Bases from Scibor.