Each a monstrous roaring weapon, one was given the privilege of carrying the Standard of Apocalypse. The imagery of the standard bears no form, but an ever changing flow of shifting skulls. The Blood Angels finest, a Sanguinary Guard is cruelly decapitated and displayed on the tip of the banner as a grim reminder of all who challenges the Chosens of Khorne.
These 5 units are meant for a local tournament that I will be participating. It is a house rule unit and without further ado I started working on them.
I thought up of a concept and came to a conclusion that the following must be added:
-Massive...massive melee weapons.
-A standard bearer that really stands out.
-Overall a theme that fits the army but borderline bombastic.
Here is the WIP of the models. *Note the banner tip was later replaced with a dead Sanguinary Guard, which is more cooler anyway.*